Spring 2021 Course Syllabus
Course: VNSG-1204- Section: 71 Foundations of Nursing |
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Instructor Information | |||||||||||
Instructor | Lois Holmes | ||||||||||
holmesll@lamarpa.edu | |||||||||||
Phone | (409) 984-6359 | ||||||||||
Office |
COVID 19 Information | The Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) Student Code of Conduct COVID 19 Policy requires students who have been exposed to COVID 19 or diagnosed with COVID 19 to report their condition on the COVID 19 Notification Form (available via a link on the Student Code of Conduct COVID19 webpage). This information will be provided to the Dean of Student Services. In addition, this policy requires all students to wear face coverings in compliance with the criteria included in the policy. For more information please refer to the COVID 19 link on the LSCPA website. | ||||||||||
Course Information | |||||||||||
Description | Introduction to te nursing profession including history, standards of practice, legal and ethical issues, and role of the vocational nurse. Topics include mental health, therapeutic communication, cultural and spiritual diversity, nursing process, and holistic awareness. | ||||||||||
Prerequisites |
BIO 2301, 2101 & BIO 2302, 2102 Human Anatomy and Physiology NURA 1301 Nurse Aide for Health Care Organizations I NURA 1160 Clinical (VN 1410) Admission to the Vocational Nursing Program To graduate from the VN program it is required that you must complete either, Business Computer Information Systems (BCIS 1305), or Introduction to Computers (ITSC 1401) prior to graduation. Students must have a minimum grade of C or better in every course that applies to the VN Program Certificate plan to graduate. |
Learning Outcomes |
In accordance with the mission of LSC-PA, VNSG 1204 Foundations of Nursing assists the student to develop the particular skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success as a vocational nurse. Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Identify roles and legal, ethical, and professional responsibilities of a vocational nurse as a member of the health care team in a variety of health care settings. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 4) Measured by: exams and discussions based on readings; classroom case scenarios 2. Identify characteristics of a therapeutic nurse/client relationship. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1; PSLO 3) Measured by: exams; case scenarios on professional boundaries 3. Examine positive mental health practices emphasizing cultural and spiritual diversity. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 3) Measured by: cultural day activity; discussion 4. Relate the history of nursing to the present day. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1) Measured by: exams based on web research, class discussions and readings 5. Recognize the components of the nursing process related to primary nursing interventions. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 2; PSLO 3) Measured by: exams based on readings; care plan activities; discussion of nursing process with each topic 6. Explain Medical Terms related to the Healthcare System. (PSLO Alpha; PSLO 1) Measured by: exams based on med term online module assignments; application of terminology into nursing documentation and patient interactions |
Core Objectives |
Communication skills: Students will demonstrate effective written, oral and visual communication. Critical Thinking Skills: Students will engage in creative and/or innovative thinking, and/or inquiry, analysis, evaluation, synthesis of information, organizing concepts and constructing solutions. Empirical and Quantitative Skills: Students will demonstrate applications of scientific and mathematical concepts. Teamwork: Students will demonstrate the ability to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal and consider different points of view. Social Responsibility: Students will demonstrate intercultural competency and civic knowledge by engaging effectively in local, regional, national and/or global communities. Personal Responsibility: Students will demonstrate the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making. |
Program Student Learning Outcomes |
Upon completion of the Vocational Nursing Program graduates will, under the supervision of a professional licensed nurse and/or licensed physician, function in non-complex settings and should be able to: PSLO Alpha: Reading Skills Demonstrates comprehension of content-area reading materials PSLO 1. Function within the scope of practice for a Vocational Nurse. PSLO 2. Demonstrates safe, direct patient care with individuals who have predictable healthcare needs. PSLO 3. Exhibits professional nursing behaviors. PSLO 4. Cooperates with members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team to provide evidence-based care. |
Textbooks |
Textbook Purchasing Statement: A student attending Lamar State College Port Arthur is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.
Medical Terminology Online with Elsevier Adaptive Learning for Exploring Medical Language, 10th Edition. Evolve. Elsevier. The course ID for this online self-directed course will be provided to you. Burton, M., Smith, D. Ludwig, L. (2019). Fundamentals of Nursing Care, Concepts, Connections and Skills for Nursing (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A Davis ISBN # 978-0-8036-6906-2 Gorman, L. Anwar, R. (2019) NEEBS Mental Health Nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. ISBN # 978-0-8036-6913-0 |
Lecture Topics Outline |
Week 1: Orientation,Syllabus, Med Term letter, Pre-test, & Stress & Coping, Health & Wellness, Professional Integrity Week 2: Professional Integrity, Critical Thinking & Testing Skills Week 3: Time Management & Leadership Skills Week 4: Med Term Exam I, 1204 Exam I Week 5: Winter Storm- Classes Canceled Week 6: Critical Thinking & Nursing Process Week 7: Med Term Exam II, Therapeutic Communication Week 8: Cultural Diversity/Spirituality Week 9: Spring Break Week 10:Med Term Exam III, 1204 Exam II Legal & Ethical Issues Week 11: Growth & Development/Geriatrics Week 12: Med Term Exam IV, Foundations of Psych. Psychosocial Theories & Therapeutic Relationships Week 13: 1204 Exam III Week 14: Med Term Exam V Week 15: Exam Prep Week 16: Exam Prep Week 17: Med Term Final, 1204 Final Exam Schedule subject to change at the discretion of the Program Coordinator |
Major Assignments Schedule |
Major Assignments Date: 02-11-21 Med. Term 1 Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 02-11-21 Exam I 1204 Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 03-04-21 Med. Term 2 Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 03-25-21 Med. Term 3 Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 03-25-21 Exam II 1204 Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 04-08-21 Med. Term 4 Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 04-15-21 Exam III 1204 Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 04-22-21 Med. Term 5 Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 05-10-21 *Final Med. Term Time: 08:00 (online) Date: 05-10-21 *Final Exam 1204 Time: 08:00 (online) |
Final Exam Date | May 10, 2021 - 8:0 AM Through May 10, 2021 - 12:0 PM | ||||||||||
Grading Scale | 90 - 100 = A 80 - 89 = B 75 - 79 = C 60 - 74 = D Below 60 = F | ||||||||||
Determination of Final Grade |
1. Examinations are based on course objectives. 2. Course content from pre-requisite courses will be included on exams, as appropriate. 3. No hat or hoodies may be worn during exams. No hats/caps/hoodies/smart watches/phones/personal possessions other than keys, earbuds, scantron and a pencil may be brought in to the exam. 4. No make-up unit exams are given for Foundations of Nursing or Medical Terminology. The numerical grade attained on the Comprehensive Final exam is substituted for any missed unit exam(s); providing the student has followed protocol in reporting absence. 5. Students who arrive after the exam starts, but before it ends may take the exam without penalty, however, they will not be allowed additional time. If a student must miss an exam, s/he must contact the instructor prior to the exam or within twenty-four (24) hours of the exam. If a student fails to notify and instructor a no call/no show for an exam will result in a grade of 0 6. Test grades will not be available for a minimum of 24 hours posttest. 7. Evaluation of Examinations: After each exam, the faculty uses psychometric principles to evaluate the examination. Items missed by 50% or more of the class are reviewed. If an item is found to be flawed, the faculty may give credit for more than one answer or nullify the item. When an item is nullified, the key is changed so that all answers are credited as correct. That is, if a student answered the item as originally keyed, the student will retain the credit for the item. If a students answer differs from the one originally keyed, the student is credited for the nullified item. In other words, everyone gets credit for the item and no one loses credit. 8. If a student scores less than a 75 on a unit examination, the student is required to make an appointment with an instructor prior to the next examination. At that time, the student and instructor will review the examination and, with the assistance of the instructor, identify strategies to improve performance on subsequent examinations. If a student, who scores less than 75 on a unit examinations, fails to review with and instructor 5 points maybe deducted from the next unit examination. Students are required to make an appointment prior to the day before the next exam. 9. Any challenge to exam questions must be presented in writing, with documentation, within one (1) week of the review of the exam. Disputed exam items must be submitted by the student along with proposed answer supported by documentation from the current textbook, handouts, and/or lecture reference material. 10. A Comprehensive Final Exam must be taken and is weighted equivalent to two (2) unit exams. 11. Any assignment or exam submitted without a student?s name will not receive credit. 12. The following method will be used to determine each student?s grade in the course: Exam I Grade 18% Exam II Grade 18% Exam III Grade 18% Medical Terminology Averages Grade 10% Final Grade 36% Total/5 = grade 13. A minimum average of 75% in VNSG 1204 independent of all other requirements is necessary to pass the course. |
Course Policies | |||||||||||
Instructor Policies |
Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) is a no smoking campus. Use of tobacco products is prohibited on all LSCPA properties at any time Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission. Electronic devices (including but not restricted to cell phones, smart watches, MP3 players, and laptop computers) shall not be used during examinations unless specifically allowed by the instructor. Use of electronic devices during normal class hours distracts other students, disrupts the class, and wastes valuable time. Instructors have an obligation to reduce such disruptions. Students should turn their phones to vibrate before they enter the classroom. No cell phones and/or smart watches allowed during class and/or exams. Additional classroom policies include: Students and faculty of the Lamar State College-Port Arthur Vocational Nursing Program are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. To assure that faculty have the opportunity to teach and students have the opportunity to benefit from time spent in class, unless otherwise approved by the instructor, students are prohibited from engaging in distracting classroom behavior: 1. I understand that promptness is expected. I will be on time for the beginning of all classes and will return from breaks promptly. 2. I understand that I am expected to come to theory and lab experiences prepared and present myself as a sincere, adult learner. 3 I will return phone calls and/or text messages only during scheduled breaks. 4. I will keep cell phones on vibrate in classroom and off and out of reach during testing and test reviews. In the event of an emergency, your family should contact you through AH Secretary, VN Coordinator, or Department Chair. 5. I agree that on-campus computers will only be used for classroom work. 6. I agree that all information shared by other students and instructors will remain confidential. 7. I will not repeat or discuss what is shared with anyone. 8. I agree that I will not engage in side-bar discussions. 9. I agree that I will direct my comments to the front of the room. 10. I agree to participate in all discussions, activities, and exercises. 11. I agree to be open to new ideas and experiences. 12. I agree to take risks and step outside of my comfort zone. 13. I agree to maintain a positive attitude. 14. I agree to give supportive feedback and make corrections without belittling anyone. 15. I agree to suspend judgment and be responsible for my actions. 16. I agree to be responsible for learning as much as I can from this experience. 17. I agree to ask for what I need from my instructors. 18. I agree to get better acquainted with my fellow students so we can all identify ways to support one another, work together as a team and develop professionally. 19. I agree to follow the guidelines and policies in the LSC-PA Vocational Nursing Student Handbook. Should I be unable to maintain these expectations or stated program requirements, dismissal from the program may occur. The following behaviors will result in the student being asked to cease the action and/or leave the classroom: Inappropriate and or disruptive uses of cell phones and/or other electronic devices in classroom during testing or during test reviews. Talking or sleeping while the instructor is giving instructions or during class discussions/presentations Displaying a rude or negative attitude/behavior to the instructor or other students If any of these behaviors result in the student being asked to leave the room, the student will receive a counseling note and may result in a loss of 5 points on the next exam. |
Attendance Policy |
Foundations of Nursing VNSG 1204 and the Medical Terminology component of this course will be conducted online and will consist of voice over power point lectures and live lectures via video/audio chat. Schedules may be changed at the discretion of the faculty and vocational nursing coordinator. All attendance policies are in effect whether conducted online or in the class room setting. Research has shown a cause and effect relationship between attendance and college success. Policies for this course are described below: 1 Because poor attendance is a leading reason for termination from a job in all areas of employment, attendance at all scheduled classes is expected. 2. A student who is absent from course activities for more than three (3) days without notification to faculty may be withdrawn from the program by the program director. 3. Late arrival to class is disruptive. Students who consistently arrive after the beginning of class (2 or more times) will be counseled and a plan of corrective action determined. Class will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Students who arrive fifteen (15) minutes after the beginning of class should not enter the classroom and should wait until break to enter. 4. It is the students responsibility to notify the instructor of any absence. If the student is unable to contact the instructor(s) the student should call 409-984-6356 or 1-800-477-5872 ext. 6356. The student should also email the faculty or call the faculty office and leave a voicemail. 5. It is the students responsibility to submit a completed Student Excuse Form, upon the first day of return, each time the student is absent, delayed from attending or must depart early from class, clinical or lab. Failure to do so will result in a declaration of No Call, No Show for the number of days absent and may result in the student being dismissed from the program. |
Academic Honesty | Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty. | ||||||||||
Facility Policies |
Important Information | |||||||||||
ADA Considerations | The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241. | ||||||||||
MyLSCPA | Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLSCPA campus web portal (My.LamarPA.edu). When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLSCPA. | ||||||||||
Other |
1. Topic: Orientation to the Vocational Nursing Program Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. List sources of college and program policies. b. Discuss content of the course syllabus. c. Seek opportunities to ask questions concerning program content, class content, and/or assignments. d. Compare and contrast the competencies of the Licensed Vocational Nurse and the Registered Nurse as stated by the Differentiated Entry Level Competencies. e. Distinguish how the Philosophy of the Lamar State College-Port Arthur Vocational Nursing Program addresses beliefs regarding individuals, health, society, and nursing. [Differentiated Essential Competencies (DEC) I- A,B, II-A,DH, III-A,B,C,D, IV- A,B,D,E] 2. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in developing medical terminology Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to: a. Identify common prefix and suffix meanings. b. Discuss combining base words with prefixes and/or suffixes and deriving word meaning. c. Discuss and utilize commonly used medical terms in nursing documentation. [Differentiated Essential Competencies (DEC) I- A,B, II-A,DH, III-A,B,C,D, IV- A,B,D,E] 3. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups teaching them to identify methods of coping with stress. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Identify the three stages of the general adaptation syndrome. b. Describe protective defense mechanisms and coping strategies. c. Identify stressors in various stages of development. d. Describe stress management techniques beneficial for coping with stress. e. Discuss the process of crisis intervention. f. Discuss how stress in the workplace can affect the nurse. g. Identify the effects of stress on the body. [DEC I-A,B,C, II-A,D,H III-A,B,C,D IV- A,B,D,E] 4. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups in the health care delivery system. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Describe the levels of health care. b. Explain the relationship between levels of care and levels of prevention. c. Discuss settings where various levels of health care are provided d. Differentiate community health nursing from community-based nursing. e. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of managed health care. f. Discuss the role of nurses in different health care settings. g. Discuss the effect that changes in the health care system have in nursing. h. Discuss opportunities for nursing within the changing health care delivery system. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 5. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups while coordinating client care. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Discuss the importance of education in professional nursing practice. b. Describe the purpose for professional standards of nursing practice. Identify the types of nursing care delivery models. c. Describe the elements of decentralized decision making. d. Discuss the ways in which a nurse manager can support staff. e. Discuss ways to apply clinical care coordination skills in nursing practice. f. Discuss principles to follow in the appropriate delegation of client care activities. g. Identify differences among structure, process, and quality outcomes. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 6. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in nurturing professional integrity. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Discuss ethical issues related to accepting personal responsibility for self-management. b. Describe a nurses responsibility for lifelong learning. c. Discuss common ethical issues associated with contributing to the nursing profession. d. Discuss responsibility and accountability of nursing care. e. Describe ethical issues related to meeting employee obligations. f. Discuss the role of various agencies and organization with nursing. g. Discuss professionalism and professional behaviors. h. Identify and understand unsafe practice of health care providers, including abuse and neglect, and follow regulation/ policy in reporting specific issues. i. Discuss and reinforce ways for caregivers and families to promote safe management for behavioral disorders in clients through education. j. Assess clients for potential violence of self and others. [DEC I-A,B,C, II-A,H, III-A,B,C,D IV A,B,C,D,E] 7. Topic: Promoting Success in Nursing Education Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to a. Discuss utilization of textbooks. b. Identify learning styles. c. Relate study habits to learning styles. d. Examine expectations for success. e. Employ self-regulation to monitor and modify learning behaviors. f. Apply time management skills- including planners. g. Identify test taking strategies. h. Delineate key components of the NCLEX-PN test plan and how it relates to nursing practice. i. Identify effective and ineffective coping mechanisms, assisting to maintain and promote self-esteem of clients. [DEC I-A,B,C,D II-A,B,C,D,E III-A,B.D, IV- A,B,C,D,E] 8. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in Nurse Leadership, Management and Professional Practice for the LPN/LVN. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Describe the nursing subculture and its development. b. Describe how all departments of a health care agency work together to meet is stated purpose. c. Use communication protocols to foster effective working relationships with health care providers. d. Participate in establishing nursing policies for procedures. e. State reasons nurses need to accept and support client care goals. f. Participate in continuous quality improvement and assurance processes. g. Describe common types of nursing service delivery programs. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 9. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups with critical thinking and nursing judgment. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Discuss the nurses responsibility in making clinical decisions. b. Describe the components of a critical thinking model for clinical decision making. c. Discuss critical thinking skills used in nursing practice. d. Identify the relationship between clinical experience and critical thinking. e. Discuss the effect attitudes for critical thinking have on clinical decision making. f. Identify how professional standards influence a nurses clinical decisions. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 10. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups utilizing the nursing process. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Discuss the relationship between critical thinking and each component of the nursing process. b. Identify the difference between comprehensive, problem-oriented, and focused assessment. c. Describe the difference between subjective and objective data. d. Discuss the necessity for validating assessment data. e. Identify the steps of the nursing diagnostic process and nursing responsibilities within each step. f. Describe the way in which defining characteristics and the etiological process individualize a nursing diagnosis. g. Discuss prioritizing a list of nursing diagnosis. h. Describe the goal setting process. i. Discuss the difference between a goal and an expected outcome. j. Discuss the process of selecting nursing interventions. k. Identify the differences between protocols and standing orders. l. Describe nursing actions selected for a client. m. Identify how evaluation can lead to revision or modification of a plan of care. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 11. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups in various treatment settings & therapeutic programs. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Compare and contrast the various forms of admissions to mental health facilities. b. Discuss barriers and issues related to treatment of mental illness in various health settings. c. Explain the difference between confidentiality and privileged communication. d. Discuss the right of mental health clients and identify how these rights apply in practice. e. Discuss types of clients and situations that may indicate a need for hospitalization. f. Discuss the goals of the therapeutic environment. g. Identify and discuss the role of the nurse along with the multidisciplinary team in varied treatment settings and programs. h. Compare residential and community treatment programs and the services they provide. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 12. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups while identifying therapeutic relationships. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Distinguish between a therapeutic and a social relationship. b. Explain the stages of nurse-client relationship and the importance of values, beliefs, and attitudes in the development of that relationship. c. Discuss qualities of the nurse and the role of the nurse in the therapeutic relationship. d. Discuss the use of trust, setting limits, and consistency in the health care setting. e. Discuss problems that may be encountered in the therapeutic relationship and ways to prevent or problems or improve the therapeutic relationship f. Discuss roles of the primary caregiver in the therapeutic relationship. g. Discuss the phases of the nurse-client relationship as outlined by Hildegard Peplau. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 13. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups considering communication stumbling blocks. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Recognize the importance of transcultural communication in todays health care system. b. Identify barriers to effective transcultural communication between clients and nurses. c. Select different approaches that a nurse can use to establish and increase communication in any transcultural interaction d. Describe the process by which people from diverse cultures go from fearing each other to liking each other. e. Identify and describe the three types of racism that are found in our society. f. Define ethnocentrism and stereotyping and explain how these barriers block transcultural communication. g. Describe the different types of language barriers that can impede transcultural communication. h. Identify ways in which differing perceptions and expectations can complicate communications between nurses and clients from diverse cultures. i. Identify any cultural biases or ethnocentric attitudes that may interfere with the nurses transcultural communication. j. Discuss differences in medical terminology in various cultures and how explain to clients in terms that they can understand. k. Discuss overcoming differences in how the nurse and client perceive illness and health care. l. Discuss overcoming differences in what the nurse expects, and what the client expects of the Western medical health care system. m. Discuss transcultural communication skills when planning care for clients from different cultures. n. Describe reasons clients from other cultures may not comply with a care plan and self-care instructions. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 14. Topic: The principles of caring used by the Vocational Nurse. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Discuss the role that caring plays in establishing a nurse-client relationship. b. Describe ways to convey caring through communication. c. Discuss potential implications when nurses and clients perceptions of caring might differ. d. Describe how providing presence can be applied when performing a nursing procedure e. Describe the therapeutic benefit of listening to clients stories. f. Discuss the relationship between knowing a client and clinical decision making. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 15. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups and providing spiritual health. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Describe the relationship between faith, hope, and spiritual well-being. b. Contrast and compare the concepts of religion and spirituality. c. Discuss the relationship of spirituality to an individuals total being. d. Identify the focus of a spiritual assessment. e. Discuss nursing interventions designed to promote spiritual growth. f. Identify ways to evaluate attainment of spiritual health. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 16. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups and working with or without an interpreter. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Discuss the role of the medical interpreter, and describe what duties lay within that role. b. Differentiate between interpretation and translation. c. Discuss vital reasons why medical interpreters are needed in the clinical area, providing examples. d. Discuss the clients legal right to an interpreter if the client does not speak English. e. Describe techniques that will help the nurse to work successfully with a trained medical interpreter. f. Describe techniques that will help the nurse communicate without the aid of a trained interpreter. g. Describe reasons clients from other cultures may not comply with a care plan and self-care instructions. h. Discuss the term cultural stereotyping and its relevance to rendering culturally competent care [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 17. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse to incorporate the family in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Examine current trends in the American family b. Discuss how the term family is defined to reflect family diversity c. Discuss common family forms and their health implications d. Assess the way family structure and patterns of functioning affect the health of family members and the family as a whole e. Interpret external and internal factors that promote family health. f. Compare family as context to family as client and explain the way that these perspectives influence nursing practice. g. Use the nursing process to provide for the health care needs of the family. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 18. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups for legal principles in nursing. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Explain the legal concepts that apply to nursing practice. b. Discuss the standards of care for nurses. c. Discuss the legal responsibilities relating to nursing and other health care providers. d. Describe the common legal issues that apply to nursing. e. Identify the legal importance of nursing practice acts. f. Discuss various legal principles, including malpractice, privacy, confidentiality, reporting, statutes and doctrines that minimize ones liability in professional nursing. g. Describe the most common types of torts. h. Describe legal ramifications of life-and-death issues that might stimulate conflict between co-workers. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 19. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups for standards of ethical values. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Discuss accountability and responsibility in nursing practice. b. Discuss client advocacy. c. Describe the role of ethics in nursing. d. Discuss the process used to analyze an ethical dilemma. e. Describe fundamental ethical concepts. f. Describe ethical conflicts experienced by nurses in different settings. g. Discuss the Patients Bill of Rights and rights of the client in the psychiatric setting. h. Identify and use steps for making ethical decisions. i. Distinguish among ethics, spirituality, and law. j. Describe the consequences of violating codes of conduct. k. Describe the appropriate responses to incompetent colleagues. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,, IV-A,B,C,D,] 20. Topic: Strategies used by the vocational nurse caring for clients of various cultures and ethnicities throughout the various stage of growth and development Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to a. Describe essential facts related to growth and development. b. Differentiate growth from development. c. Describe the stages of growth and development over the lifespan. d. List factors that facilitate or interfere with growth and development over the lifespan. e. Explain the principles of growth and development. f. Describe characteristics and implications of Freuds five stages of development. g. Describe characteristics and implications of Eriksons eight stages of development. h. Discuss Piagets theory of cognitive development. i. Discuss Kohlbergs levels of Development of Moral Reasoning theory. j. Discuss the use of the various theories in nursing practice. k. Discuss selected health problems and common physical changes associated with different age groups across the lifespan. l. List examples of health promotion topics for different age groups across the lifespan. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 21. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups in the mental health setting. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Discuss the purposes of the mental health treatment plan. b. Explain the purpose, use, and process of the mental status examination. c. Discuss characteristics of mentally healthy adult. d. Identify the components of behavior e. Discuss the primary focus of mental health care. f. Discuss the basic concepts and applications of each theory presented. g. Define and describe mental health and mental illness. h. Discuss individuals who made major contributions to the care of persons with mental disorders. i. Discuss the basic concepts and applications of each theory presented. j. Discuss the factors believed to influence the development of mental illness. k. Identify ones own feelings in relation to caring for a client. l. Explain the purpose, use, and process of the mental status examination. m. Discuss the current trends in treatment of people with mental illness. n. Discuss the purpose and use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] 22. Topic: Strategies used by the Vocational Nurse in caring for clients of various cultural and ethnic groups with altered health and wellness. Objectives: Upon completion of this learning experience, the student should be able to: a. Compare and contrast the health-illness, health belief, health promotion, and holistic health models. b. Describe the meaning of determinants of health status. c. Explain the variables influencing health beliefs and health practices. d. Describe health promotion and illness prevention activities. e. Discuss the three levels of preventive care. f. Categorize the types of risk factors and the process of risk factor modification. g. Describe variables influencing illness behavior. h. Describe the stages of illness behavior. i. Describe the impact of illness on the client and the family. j. Summarize the nurses role in health and illness. k. Explore stressful events, spiritual and cultural beliefs, and identify the effects such issues have on the health status of clients. [DEC I-A,B,C,D, II- A,B,C,D,E,F, III-A,B,C,D,E,F, IV-A,B,C,D,E] |
HB 2504 | This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504. | ||||||||||
Department |